Sunday, June 2, 2013


It's been awhile since my last post. Lots of changes. In the midst of those changes, I realized that I get so busy that I forget to appreciate the simple things around. Last Sunday was the triangular form of three planets: Mars, Venus, and Jupiter. Between my Mom and sissypoo, we were on the phone trying to compare who could see it first. What I did see was the brightest star, and somehow while gazing at that beautiful star, I began to admire the night sky and see how beautiful it is. Then I began to look around, and appreciate the quiet, and stillness of the night. 

The next day I stopped for a MOMENT. Just a moment, to look at GOD's beauty around me. The flowers, grass, and the simple things that are taken for granted. I also made it a point. I MADE myself turn off my phone, play my jazz music, open the screen door, turn off the Internet. No email, social media, nothing. Just enjoying the moment. It wasn't easy getting to that point. I had a battle with myself. I found myself negotiating why I should turn my phone off just for a few hours, and actually that few hours ended up being longer than expected. 

I have friends that I have yet to see since I've been back, and though I wanted to catch up and see them, talk, laugh...I found that someone needed my attention as well, and that was ME. 

It is important to re-fuel, re-charge, and do what YOU have to do for yourself. Sometimes you have to say, "no" to others so that you can say, "yes" to yourself. 

Appreciate the simple things. You deserve to STOP, and SMELL THE FLOWERS.

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