Friday, March 29, 2013


We are just a few days away from April, the fourth month into the year. As with anything new, there is always excitement, and new goals set. It's like a new pair of shoes, a new outfit. Just that word "new." The New Year brings about new goals, new attitude, or a new look, but then there's the BUT. Somehow as the days continue, things in this beautiful space called, "LIFE" tend to happen. Sometimes it kicks us off our "new" path, and hopes, dreams, and even faith sometimes dwindle. It's time for a "RESET."

I know I needed one, badly. Actually, really badly (I know these two words do not connect, but that's how bad I needed a reset).  When you are going, going, and going further away from your purpose, your faith will be tried, tested, and even fried. Some days you will question GOD and those questions bring about frustrations. It's ok. GOD is always there to LISTEN and LOVE. After all the rambling, tears, and going through the emotions from anger, sadness, confusion, and folks testing your patience...did I mention testing your patience? We have a clearer mind, bolder actions toward Purpose Avenue, and we are RESET.

Never let anyone tell you that it's too late to reset. Successful, purpose minded folks understand that resetting doesn't mean giving up. It means NEVER GIVING UP. It just takes a moment to breathe, re-focus, re-charge, re-group, and keep it moving.

This process sometimes includes making some really tough decisions that will sting a bit, but in the long run where GOD is taking you these decisions were necessary. It could mean old friends, complacency, bad health habits, any person, place or thing that leeches the very life out of you has to be removed. You never know who you are destined to be connected to. Just like the Earth has seasons to reset its beautiful resources for all elements of life, so do we.

So...are you ready? Are you set? Let's go! It's RESET time!

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